Special Assistance Committee Information

Procurement is an essential government business function, and procurement activities result in the second
largest expenditure of taxpayers’ dollars (the largest is salary and benefits).

TxPPA is responsive to the needs of smaller agencies that request assistance in establishing a centralized
purchasing system. We have established the Special Assistance Committee to provide guidance in the following areas:

Centralized Purchasing

TxPPA provides documentation and/or presentations to agencies to support a centralized purchasing function and the establishment of a Purchasing Office.

  • Assistance with Enabling Statues.
  • Public Procurement Guides.
  • Budget and Personnel Data.


TxPPA provides training for new purchasing staff to review purchasing laws and processes to assist in
establishing basic procedures of a Centralized Purchasing Office.

  • Procurement Documents (Requisition, Purchase Order, Contract)
  • Laws that govern how Purchasing conducts its business

Ongoing Training

TxPPA provides ongoing support and encouragement; TxPPA promotes membership in professional
organization for continued education and networking opportunities.

If you would like more information on establishing a centralized purchasing system or on TxPPA’s Special Assistance Program, please contact our Special Assistance Program Committee Chair, Rosario Castillo. We look forward to hearing from you!

Why our Assistance can be Important to your Agency

The integrity and efficiency of the procurement process is a crucial component of its credibility. More public
officials have been criticized for real or perceived conflicts of interest in the spending of public funds than on
any other financial activity.

Even with the knowledge of such potential criticism, public officials often misunderstand procurement’s
significant budgetary and public relations importance, and the perception of public officials misusing the
procurement process for personal or political gain threatens the public’s confidence in its government.

Therefore, the governing body of the agency, public officials, and the purchasing agent must ensure a high
standard of professional ethics in all personnel who participate in, or who can influence those involved in,
making procurement decisions.